“I urge American citizens and their representatives in government to recognize the total unworthiness...
Mexican illegal alien with slew of convictions, including first-degree murder, arrested in New Mexico...
At least 50 LGBTQIA2S+ themed holidays are already on the calendar. Democrats have doubled...
Informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in...
“I will not vote for Joe Biden. At this point when we’re doing this...
YouTube has a plan to remove and suppress some content, and boost what it...
A cargo vessel damaged the supports of a bridge over the Arkansas River less...
The US Navy “did not have adequate internal controls to prevent overexecution” of allocated...
Youngsters will do anything for those clicks… A YouTube and Twitch star known as “YourFellowArab” was...
“Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime” gather in Memphis, Tennessee to discuss the dangers of...